Mother's Day is Hard | Yuma Family Photographer


Mother’s Day is a holiday that’s wrapped up in so many complicated feelings. We love our babies (of course) and genuinely enjoy celebrating an incredibly meaningful role: Motherhood.

And yet.

Some of us are grieving the loss of our own mothers.

Some of us are mourning the loss of babies.

Some of us are sad that we have complicated relationships with our mothers, or none at all.

Some of us never had a mother at all.

Some of us are meant to be mothers and are unable to.

Some of us are overwhelmed by complicated family dynamics.

I’m writing this to you, mama, to tell you that you are not alone. We’re all feeling this way and struggling. It’s ok and we’re all normal! Feeling a mix of emotions on Mother’s day or even disliking the holiday doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.

In my photography I get to photograph many mothers and I’m always blown away by their strength and love. We’re all doing the best we can.

I see you, mama. Take care of yourself the way you do your babies. Your heart deserves love and tenderness just as much as they do. You matter.

